Tanzania Becomes Self-Sufficient In Steel. Gigantic Leap Towards Having Independent National Economy
Africa | Commentaries | Tanzania | Manufacturing March 16, 2024
Tanzania has become self-sufficient in steel. That was announced by the government there on March 15, 2024, and reported by the country's Daily News media brand on March 16, 2024.
According to the report, Tanzania is now self-sufficient in steel that meet international standards. The steel is said to be produced by a local manufacturing firm called Lodhia Industries Limited, at a plant located in the East African Community nation's Coast Region.

Reportedly, Lodhia Industries Limited currently produces 18 000 tonnes of steel per month, and has a target to increase production to 1 million tonnes of steel per year.

Local production of steel using locally extracted iron ore and electricity, implies that Tanzania no longer needs to import the crucial product anymore. As such, the Government of Tanzania is said to have urged importers of steel to turn to that generated locally.
Local production of steel in Tanzania is expected to boost the economy through providing vital inputs for local generation of other capital goods like railways, roads, complex buildings and structures, bridges, and dams, among others, as well as consumer goods like domestic appliances, domestic and commercial furniture, etc.
Tanzania has vast reserves of natural assets that if extracted and processed locally like the way iron ore is now processed into steel, could be a game changer to the country's economy, making the country not only self-sufficient in steel but in everything.
Other African countries should emulate Tanzania by doing excatly the same, because that is the only way towards having independent national economies. The latter are crucial at times of global crises and political disagreements.
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