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Role Of Presidential Appointees In Elections In Tanzania Nullified By High Court

The High Court of Tanzania has nullified the role of presidential appointees in elections in the country, reported some African media on May 10, 2019.

More specifically, Tanzania High Court has nullified sections 7(1) and 7(3) of the country's National Elections Act 2010, that empower presidential appointees to become returning officers hence overseers of electoral processes on behalf of the National Electoral Commission (NEC).

The high court in reaching its decision reportedly said the above mentioned two sections of the country's electoral law were unconstitutional and violate the independence of the National Electoral Commission.

The invalidation of the two crucial sections of the National Electoral Act may be seen as a major political milestone by the opposition and some political activists in Tanzania, who are said to have been lamenting bitterly for some time now about the electoral law, saying it favored the government hence the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM). The high court's decision perhaps also indicate the Judiciary of Tanzania is becoming more independent.

Tanzanians go to general elections in 2020 to elect a president and members of parliament.


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