Zuckerberg Calls For Universal Basic Income And Higher Taxes On The Wealthy
Updated: Aug 20, 2021
Rest Of The World May 26, 2017

In his Harvard University commencement speech on May 25, 2017, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, advanced several important ideas for political reform, that included introduction of universal basic income, higher taxes on the wealthy, and student loan relief. Emphasizing universal basic income in particular, Mr Zuckerberg humbly and honestly observed that he would not have founded Facebook without his relatively good financial circumstances that other potential entrepreneurs may not have. He continued that societal progress should not be measured by just economic parameters like Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but by the number of people who have a role society finds meaningful. He said that universal basic income will give everyone a cushion to try new things. Mr Zuckerberg castigated the critics of the idea, who have so far propounded that universal basic income will discourage individuals to work, hence weakening economies. He said that contrary to what the critics are saying, universal basic income gives everyone the freedom to pursue their purpose, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because when more people can turn their dreams into something great, we are all better for it. He concluded that purpose does not only come from work! Great idea and support arguments by the CEO of Facebook, that are not only relevant to the USA but worldwide. If implemented, the idea could be a big step forward towards inclusiveness in society. Conceptually, by the universal basic income, a government will provide every citizen a certain baseline amount of money, unconditionally. All countries can therefore apply the concept of universal basic income with levels of the basic income determined by how wealthy a country is. The concept is already been experimented in Finland. _____________________________ © 2015 - 2017 Africauptodate. All Rights Reserved