Africa Will No Longer Be Source Of Raw Materials, Says AU Trade Commissioner
Africa | Manufacturing May 22, 2023
The days when Africa used to be a source of raw materials for others to manufacture goods, are over. That was indicated by African Union (AU) Trade and Industry Commissioner Albert Muchanga when talking to BBC Talking Business on May 22, 2023.

More specifically, Mr Albert Muchanga told the BBC that Africa will no longer be a source of raw materials for other countries. He continued that Africa will now add value to its raw materials, meaning process its raw materials, locally so that it creates jobs for its growing young population. In this direction, he cited a joint project by Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia aimed at adding value to raw materials vital for manufacturing of battery precursors and batteries for electric vehicles, through manufacturing the products in their countries.
DRC and Zambia are among the countries with world’s largest deposits of cobalt, and copper, and other natural assets necessary for production of batteries for electric vehicles. DRC has about 50% of the world’s cobalt reserves, and accounts for about 70% of the global production of the mineral resource.
The AU trade and industry commissioner concluded saying that AU will soon put in place a policy that will harmonise the process of adding value to raw materials in the continent.
Earlier in the discussion, the commissioner praised China for helping in local manufacturing of products related infrastructure projects in Africa.
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