Entertainment, Lifestyle, And Sports: #Metoo Allegations Continue As Legendary Morgan Freeman Is Acc

The legendary African American movie star Morgan Freeman has been accused for sexual harassment by 8 women, reported several media sources on May 25, 2018.
More specifically, the women claim Mr Freeman sexually abused them at his film production firm called Revelations Entertainment. One of the women is said to have narrated that Mr Freeman on one occasion tried to lift up her skirt and asked her if she was wearing underwear.
The alleged sexual abuses against Mr Freeman date back several years, with the latest said to have taken place in 2015. It is not clear if the alleged actions by Mr Freeman could have something to do with scripts of his movies.
Notwithstanding, however, the sexual harassment allegations against Morgan Freeman has generated powerful debate in the social media about whether the #Metoo thing is now going to far!
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