Human Rights Watch Lambastes Kenya’s Mau Forest Evictions
Updated: Aug 21, 2021
Africa | Energy & Environment | Kenya July 23, 2020

Human Rights Watch (HRW) in its report partly published on July 23, 2020, about findings of an investigation of Kenya’s Mau Forest evictions, lambasted the government of the East African country, saying the evictions violated human rights.
More specifically, HRW said Kenya Mau Forest evictions that began in 2018 and carried out in phases violated human rights in, among others, the following ways:
1) Use of excessive force by police that led to some deaths and injuries of evictees
2) Looting and destruction of property by police
3) Failure by the government to compensate and resettle evictees
4) Lack of eviction notices
5) Abandonment by the government, of evictees without shelter and food
Government of Kenya reportedly says the evictees occupied the forest illegally and the evictions are aimed at protecting Mau Forest ecosystem.
Mau Forest is a forest system located in Kenya's Rift Valley Province.
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