Jimmy Carter Takes The title Of Oldest Living US President

Former President Jimmy Carter of USA on March 21, 2019 took the title of oldest living president in the US history. At the age 94 years and 172 days, Jimmy Carter dethroned late former President George H. W. Bush who died at the age of 94 years and 171 days. In the world's list of oldest living heads of state, however, Jimmy Carter only managed to climb from 21st place to the 20th place on the list, with Asians and Africans as his main rivals! In the case of his African rivals, Jimmy Carter at 20th position on the world ranking, is behind the following living heads of state: 1) Mustafa Ben Halim of Libya at 9th place at the age of 98 years and 52 days 2) Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe at 14 place at the age 95 years and 29 days 3) Abderrahmane Youssoufi of Morocco at 16th place at the age of 95 years and 14 days 4) Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia at 17th place at the age of 94 years and 328 days 5) Dawda Jawara of Gambia at 18th place at the age of 94 years and 310 days, and 6) Daniel arap Moi of Kenya at 19th place at the age of 94 years and 201 days Notwithstanding, Jimmy Carter's longevity is of great interest and happiness not only to USA but the whole world because of his immense contribution to the global community through staunch philanthropy. His humanitarian efforts through his charitable organization The Carter Center among others, focus on the world's poorest.
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