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Entertainment, Lifestyle, And Sports: Beauty Of Traffic Congestion And Cultural Heterogeneity Make L

While the commercial capital of Nigeria, Lagos, has been dismissed as a good tourist destination in some quarters mainly because its chronic and chaotic traffic congestion as well as its over populous urban spaces, some patriotic Nigerians do not agree, reported BBC World Services on May 10, 2018.

The patriots think their mega city with its over 20 million inhabitants has a lot to offer to tourists, hence a great tourist destination to reckon with. They argue that contrary to what some people think, there is great beauty in traffic congestion and chaos. They particularly cite the beauty of traffic in total standstill, or people jumping out of slowly moving vehicles, etc. They argue such situations in traffic are seldom experienced elsewhere! They also argue that massive population of the mega city is in fact a positive feature for tourism, as it provides cultural heterogeneity and complexity that may not be found anywhere else in the world, and that can be great experience for tourists.

Incredible arguments by the patriotic Nigerians in favor of their commercial capital as a tourist destination. After all, most tourists are looking for some new experiences in their lives, new situations different from those in their home countries, and Lagos can offer that!

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